Crash dieting: Help to achieve losing weight?

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The news that crash diets help to lose weight in a short time always find a place in the media. In a national newspaper with the headline of Lose 5 kilos in a week, has drawn attention to the fact that the crash diets were wrong but this time it is suggested that foods such as bread and sugar should be eliminated from diet and should not be feared of fats.

Suggestions of scientific authorities to reach ideal body weight and healthy weight loss?

In the news, recommendations such as 'stop eating sugar, do not consume starchy foods such as bread, potato, pasta, increase protein, do not eat after 6 pm, no snacks' are given in order to lose weight. So, do these recommendations match the scientific evidence?

For adequate and balanced nutrition, it is recommended that 55-60% of the total daily energy intake should be derived from carbohydrates, 20-35% from fats and 10-12% from proteins. To maintain ideal weight according to gender, age and height, the energy intake must be balanced with energy expenditure. Ignoring the balance between daily energy intake and expenditure, may not help to lose weight contrary to the claim and even adversely affecting metabolism. It may lead to impaired glucose tolerance or even cardiovascular problems. For example, high fat-low carbohydrate diets may cause increase in fat tissue in the body, while inadequate carbohydrate intake may cause hypoglycemia, fatigue and fainting.

Carbohydrates are classified as simple and complex carbohydrates. Tea sugar, fruit sugar, milk sugar are examples of simple carbohydrates and starch-containing foods, breads, oats, pasta, legumes are examples of complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed more quickly in digestive tract than complex carbohydrates and increase blood glucose levels faster. All carbohydrate sources are needed for an adequate and balanced diet, but because they are not refined, whole grains which have higher fiber and group B vitamins context as well as complex carbohydrate sources should be more included.

Eliminating the sugar which is among the simple carbohydrates out of the diet is not the solution for nor achieving the ideal weight neither being healthy so that World Health Organization (WHO) reports that daily sugar consumption does not have a negative impact on health as long as it does not exceed 10% of the total daily energy intake. In other words, an individual who needs an average 2000 kcal of energy daily, can intake 200 kcal of energy per day from 50 grams of sugar.

Fats and oils have many metabolic functions, such as building the cell structure or providing absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Olive oil, sunflower oil, butter contain different fatty acids. It is recommended that consumption of saturated fats such as butter, margarine should not exceed 10% of total daily energy, consumption of monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, hazelnut oil 12-15%, consumption of polyunsaturated fats such as sunflower and corn 7-10%. Therefore, instead of preferring a single type of fat because you think it is healthy, using different oils in different dishes is an essential part of a adequate and balanced nutrition.

In order to maintain body weight and achieve the ideal weight, the balance in the diet is essential. In order to reach the goals, eliminating certain food group from diet, on the contrary, consuming a certain group of foods predominantly in the diet can threat health, unlike a healthy weight loss. Detox diets, crash diets and diets that focus on a single food group cannot provide all the nutrients that required to maintain health. Foods are not grouped as 'good' or 'bad'. All foods in a should be consumed in adequate and balanced amount.

As a result, it is essential both to maintain healthy body weight and to have adequate and balanced nutrition to lose weight and to live actively. If the total daily energy intake is higher than the energy expenditure, obesity may occur in long-term. Providing the daily energy need from carbohydrates, fats and proteins by providing food diversity in a balanced way is essential for a healthy life. It is best to plan nutrition and exercises according to gender, age, health status, eating habits and lifestyle of the individual instead of crash diets, detox diets and diets in which a single group of foods are consumed

Sabri Ülker Foundation